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Men's health

5 things men should know

When it comes to health, men usually follow in their fathers’ footsteps. They like to tinker on cars and take care of the house. But if something needs fixing with their own health, they neglect taking steps to make the repair. So we’ve compiled a list of five things all men should know.

1. Men over 40 should get an annual checkup.

There are several screenings men should have at least annually, including: skin cancer, oral cancer, balance testing, bone density (not just for women), blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels and PSA levels that help detect prostate cancer.

2. Prostate cancer tops the list of cancers that afflict men.

Nearly 300,000 new cases are diagnosed, and more than 35,000 deaths are attributed to prostate cancer each year in the United States.

3. Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign for other conditions.

The inability to achieve an erection can be physical, psychological or both. However, although not necessarily dangerous itself, erectile dysfunction could also be a symptom of diabetes, heart problems such as high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, as well as hormone imbalances and neurological disorders.

4. Male-pattern baldness is treatable.

By age 35, most men will have some degree of hair loss, and by age 50, about 85 percent of men will have significantly thinning hair. Two FDA-approved products have been clinically proven to stop or prevent hair loss – Finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine).

5. Work-life balance is important.

For optimal health, men should find the right balance between their job, their family and their own personal time. Being overworked and under stress is an imbalance that can lead to numerous health issues.

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