Walk With A Doc

Walk With A Doc

Walk with a Doc offers opportunities for everyone to "walk and talk" with healthcare professionals. During the walks, health professionals will take five minutes to discuss a health topic and then answer participants’ questions as the group goes for a walk. It’s free and open to everybody – pets included!

Did you know?

  • Walking is the simplest way to effectively improve your heart health.
  • Walking can help burn calories, reduce body fat and slim your waist.
  • Walking can help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. 

Piedmont Atlanta

The next walk is on January 31, 2025, from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. near Historic Fourth Ward Skate Park. Eastside BeltLine MarketPlace is under overpass.

The address is 850 Willoughby Way NE Atlanta, Georgia 30312 .

  • Check-in and warm-up starts at 9:45 a.m. and the walk begins promptly at 10:10 a.m.
  • The provider attending is Sathish Perumal, M.D..

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Piedmont Columbus Regional

The next walk is on February 1, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Idle Hour Park Sports Complex. Just look for the Piedmont orange tent.

The address is 900 Airport Road Phenix City, AL 36867.

Register Now


Ready To Start Walking?

To register, call 877-527-3712.

Why are we doing this program?

We want to give back to our communities. The program allows participants to talk about health outside an office setting and get one-on-one time with a health professional. We want to walk the talk! 

Piedmont App

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  • Directions
  • Indoor Hospital Navigation
  • Find & Save Physicians
  • Online Scheduling

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