404-605-6517 (main) 855-654-6517 (referrals)

Patient Navigator

Better Heart Valve Patient Care

At the Marcus Heart Valve Center, care for heart valve patients is directed by a groundbreaking patient navigator program which is used to guide you and your family through your journey to better health.

Patient navigators are specially trained cardiac clinicians (nurses and midlevel providers) who provide education and support, helpful information about hospital services and community resources, and serve as a link between you and your health care team. They understand that heart valve issues are frightening and overwhelming, and are committed to providing you with compassionate care while empowering you to take charge of your health.


Patient Navigators Help You and Your Family with:

  • Understanding your diagnosis and treatment plan prescribed by your physician
  • Communicating with your doctor and health care team
  • Identifying questions to ask your health care professional
  • Connecting you to Piedmont Heart care providers
  • Linking you to cardiac and valve resources and services at the hospital and in the community
  • Coordinating and scheduling appointments
  • Finding help with transportation and lodging
  • Getting answers to financial and insurance questions

Our Patient Navigators provide personalized care throughout your entire journey and are available to you at no charge. We encourage you to call us with your questions and to learn more about your diagnosis, treatments and services available to you.

Piedmont App

Download the Piedmont Now app

  • Directions
  • Indoor Hospital Navigation
  • Find & Save Physicians
  • Online Scheduling

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