Notice: Information on a Vendor Data Security Incident at Change Healthcare Read more details.

Piedmont Research Leaders

Behind every new study, test and treatment there is a team of medical researchers that have the dedication and determination to pursue breakthroughs in the way we all care for patients.  At Piedmont, we're fortunate to have a deeply experienced and visionary team of leaders that drive our research efforts — helping to spearhead new initiatives and guide the research process through the testing, and review committees that make medical innovations a reality.


Charles Brown, MD
Charles Brown, MD

Executive Champion

Terrell Faircloth
Terrell Faircloth

Director of Research Operations



Scientific Review Committees

Each therapeutic area is led by a Scientific Review Committee (SRC). The SRC is charged with reviewing all disease-specific research studies performed at a Piedmont Healthcare facility. The primary focus of the SRC is to ensure that studies conducted at Piedmont Healthcare meet the highest scientific standards, complement the needs of our patient population, and sufficient resources are available and allocated to successfully complete the study.

Institutional Review Board

The Piedmont Healthcare Institutional Review Board (PHCIRB) is in compliance with both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) requirements for IRB registration.  The PHCIRB is the local designated committee charged with responsibility to provide robust review, approval, and oversight monitoring of research to ensure the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of human subjects participating in research.  The PHCIRB may review industry sponsored, investigator-initiated, student research, and affiliate research proposals.

Western IRB (WIRB)

WIRB is an independent central IRB that offers the full range of regulatory and ethics review services for research.  At Piedmont, WIRB may provide IRB oversight for industry-sponsored studies.

Central Institutional Review Board for the National Cancer Institute

This entity serves institutions conducting NCI sponsored research.

NOTE:  Researchers can access either committee above via [email protected].

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