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Spiritual Care Services at Piedmont

Spiritual Care Services at Piedmont Healthcare embraces traditional religious care provided by professional health care chaplains while reaching out to include other spiritual and cultural traditions, as well as those who claim no faith tradition. Rituals and prayers from an individual’s own faith tradition and active listening are important skills that chaplains use to provide care for patients and families, as well as hospital staff. Spiritual Care Services incorporates evidence-based interventions derived from a wide circle of spiritual practices. Our Piedmont chaplains prepare themselves through rigorous certifications to provide spiritual consultations that focus on an individual’s needs, while providing care and support for family and others involved. The chaplain’s role on the interdisciplinary team is integrated with improved health outcomes whether a person survives an illness or achieves a peaceful death.


Clinical Pastoral Education at Piedmont Healthcare

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is interfaith professional education for ministry.  It brings ministers, church pastoral care providers, and theological students of all faiths into supervised encounters with persons in crisis.  Out of an intense involvement with persons in need, and the feedback from peers and supervisors, students develop a new awareness of themselves as persons and of the needs of those to whom they minister.  From theological reflection on specific human situations, they gain a new understanding of ministry.

Please note, this program is hospital-specific and is not offered at every hospital.

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